April 28, 2012

Kindness Cures

I was cleaning out my wallet the other day, and I found many pieces of kindness.
Among these were four that stood out.

  1. A Phone Number-Kindness of a Servant
  2. Salvation Army Calendar-Kindness of my Roommate
  3. Blood Donar Sticker-Kindness of Me
  4. A Business Card- Kindness of a Stranger

1. My first day at my "new" church, I ended up sitting beside a middle aged man to whom my spirit was drawn. He scribbled down a number next to his name and his beautiful wife's name. Long story short, this family has pretty much taken me in as part of their own family, (as they strive to do with all of the university students that attend their church). Their servant's heart is so evident, and their kindness continues to cure my homesickness. Whether with a home-cooked meal, a great conversation, or a trip down memory lane, this beautiful couple always finds a way to encourage me in my studies and in my strive to serve the Lord. 

2. The small Salvation Army Calendar in my wallet reminds me of my roommate, and no matter what her financial situation, this young, beautiful female ALWAYS gives to charity. I look up to her in this way. No matter how much or how little she has, she cures someone with coins. 

3. My Blood Donar appointment card sits in my wallet, because I am not allowed to place it's sticker on my calendar for another 2 years. I keep it in my wallet to remind me to pray for cures to come from the daily donations, and to remind me to help be an ambassador. If you are under 110lbs you can still have a hand in donating by encouraging your friends to donate!

4. Last, but not least is the business card of a female taxi driver. It was a cold night in December and I had had a bit of a rough evening. My roommate was at work, so I called my best friend and within moments he was on his way to meet me. We walked back to his place and just talked for a very long time. We had been going through a bit of a snag in our friendship and this night seemed to be a healing for us. It was a perfect night. Even though one relationship in my life ended, another was reconciled. The fun part of the night came as my friend called me a cab and we waited on his step. As the cab pulled up I hugged my friend goodbye and got in the van. Before the driver even said "hello" she said, "so, you were at your boyfriend's house, were ya?" I stared at her, confused, and then BURSTED out laughing. The cab driver and I had a long talk that seemed to be both healing for her and for I. So I keep her card in my wallet for when I need to be cured with a good laugh and a great memory of the night before my best friend's baptism, when our friendship was cured. 

Even a few words of kindness can be words of healing.
What cures do you keep with you? 

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