September 28, 2012

I CAN apostrophe "t".

This morning I poured my cereal into a mixing bowl, and ate my cinnamon pops with a plastic spoon. Two weeks ago, when I did not have a desk, I did my homework at the kitchen table. I have done other people's dishes, inorder to make room so that I could wash my own. Why did I do these things? I did them because I am a "can-do" person. 
Day after day I hear phrases such as:

"I can't do my homework, because I don't have a desk." (Obtains desk)
"I can't do my homework, because I don't have a chair." (Is given a chair)
"I can't do my homework, because I don't have a wheely chair."(Is offered a wheely chair)
"I can't do my homework, because I don't have my own wheely chair."

To be able to do something, and to want to do something are two very different things. Being physically unable to do something is much different than waiting for ideal conditions. 

I hear:
"I can't go to the gym, because I can't find my gym sneakers."
"I can't buy new sneakers right now."

You know what is found in "I can't"?
I can!

This determined optimist is tired of excuses. Call it cliche, but I'm a believer that if there's a will, there's a way, and I can do all things through He who gives me strength, even if that means doing homework at a desk, sitting on a chair that does not have wheels. 


  1. This roommate of yours sounds like a real pain. I wish I lived with someone like you, it would make me feel more prone to do my own homework. (p.s. no desk or wheely chair and I'm still on top of things)
