Last week I went to the annual poster sale at a neighbouring university. Usually I am drawn by the posters of television shows that I enjoy, bands that I like, and inspirational quotes that I appreciate. This year was different. I was absolutely taken by three prints of vintage art; so much so that I went back a few days later and purchased them. They are all photographs by an artist named Mandy Lynne.
I purchased:
Enjoy the Journey
The exciting part of this purchase is that I can cross "Buy Art" off of my bucket list. I think I am now one step closer to becoming not only an adult, but the adult I want to become. I have my first set of art, and though I may still have a Captain America Poster above my bed, I am enjoying this transitioning stage of my life, and I'm actually looking forward to the day when I retire the Captain. So why did I buy art? Well, ars gratia artis, which is latin for "Art for the sake of Art". It is not necessarily symbolic for me, nor do I know the artist, but I bought art that was made for the sake of art. I'm very excited to frame this checkmark on my bucket list.
To find my selection of art and other pieces by Mandy Lynne, click here to see her shop on Etsy.
very pretty Art