October 14, 2012

Reader Appreciation

That's right, this post is about you!

I have a pretty consistant number of readers now, 
so I'd to take this time to dedicate a post to you: my reader. 

I started this little project as a way to record things that I learn and goals that I try to accomplish, but it has become so much more than that. This blog has been one vehicle in which my relationships with many people have improved. There is just something about the written word that lets people inside the mind of the author. Writing is an expression of my identity, and I'm very passionate about my blog. The most sentimental compliments that I've received lately have been about my little corner of the internet. I can honestly tell you that I get SO excited when I see comments, viewer stats, and especially when people ask me, in anticipation, when my next post is going up. I have readers of all age groups, and from all over the country, and a few across the world. It's all thanks to you! 

So to thank you and to show you just how much your support means to me,  I will see to it that you, my faithful reader, will receive a surprise, a homemade token of my appreciation. All you have to do is leave a comment below and I'll get in touch with you to obtain your mailing address. 

Commenting is simple, (I promise).
Just scroll down and type your comment in the box, select "Name" in the "Comment as" menu, and then type in your name, and hit "Publish."

It is because of you and your kind words, faithful viewing, and recommendations that I have kept up with this little of project that started last March. Maybe you are a first time viewer to this little blog, and if so, THANKS for stopping by!  

Don't forget to comment below to let me thank you.


  1. Thanks for letting me into your personal writing world .... and you have the prettiest smile luv ya Hugs

  2. You are one very special, AMAZING girl Annie and as I have said many times before, I have enjoyed and consider it a privilege to have seen you grow into the wonderful young woman that you are.

  3. Oreo and Chloe's MumOctober 14, 2012 at 5:21 PM

    Hey, Annie! Thanks for opening up your heart through your writing. You've challenged me to be a better person in ways too numerous to mention. Just know that God is doing a mighty work through you. Seeds you've planted are growing and flourishing because of the love you share with others. I know God is a very proud Poppa when He thinks of you!

  4. You may be younger than I Annie, but you continue to inspire me. I sometimes catch myself thinking "What would Annie do?" God is at work in you.

  5. Annie, you are awesome! Really and truly. I'm so glad that I was your neighbour and we had the chance to become friends!
