I'm going to be honest, I've never known why this one has always been on my list. Maybe it's because I received a giant pencil one Christmas and my grandmother had no way to sharpen it so my grandfather pulled out his Swiss Army Knife and saved the day. Maybe it is because I've heard my mother tell the story of how a Swiss Army Knife was the first large gift she bought for a boy, and he still has it and uses it. Maybe it is because my first youth pastor always had one on his key chain and the answer was always "yes" when his wife asked him, "have you got your knife with you?" Or maybe it is because I helped my best friend to save a camper's life with a Swiss Army Knife. What ever the case, (or combination,) I have always wanted to own one.
I had mentioned this bucket list item to a couple of my friends last year, not expecting to ever get my hands on one. Of course I could have gone out and purchased a knife for myself, but I have always been quite traditional and I feel like that is not an item you buy for yourself. You know, like your prom jewelry, your first bible, or gosh, even your first set of luggage. You know what I mean though, even if it is not one of those specific things, there are items in each family that are given as gifts as rites of passage or what have you. (Of the three things mentioned above, I owe the credit to my grandmother for each of the items I received).
Back to the blade. Well I was very blessed last Christmas, because I received two. They were very different knives, different sizes, different colors, and from different people. To all of you women out there who think, "men never listen", I would like to rebut that, because both of these gifts came from male friends of mine. (Thank you, you two!) My friends tend to think that I am overly prepared, overly cautious, and overly out there, but I usually do have at least one knife on me at all times. I carry the small one in my wallet, and the larger one in my purse.
So far my knives have the saved the day quite a few times. Making a snowman while waiting for the bus and need a knife to cut down branches for the arms? Got it covered. Need a pair of scissors to finish off that piece of knitting? Got it covered. Shopping with youth and need to open a package? Got it covered. Have friends with braces who can't bite into their apples? Got it covered. Need to entertain a bunch of kids by playing "What's in Annie's Purse?" Got it covered. In class and have a hang nail? Got it covered. At work and need to frantically cut up cardboard boxes before the garbage truck comes? Got it covered. Although these are not examples of how my knife has been used to save a life, these examples demonstrate just how handy these little objects can be. I am sure that someday I will realize why it was so important for me to "Own A Swiss Army Knife", but until then... know that you can always count on me to have one.
"Own a Swiss Army Knife?" -Got it Covered.
This made me smile! So happy to know you're prepared!