March 16, 2012

“Begin Blogging”

My name is Annie. I have tiny shoes, and big dreams. Dreams to go, dreams to see, dreams to make, and dreams to be. I believe in making the most out of each day, and I believe in happy. Every morning I wake up not to the thought that the new day has a possibility of a miracle, but the assurance that I will experience many-a-wondrous things that day. As I live each day striving to live life to its fullest I can’t help but keep a list. A list of life. A list of things that are on my heart that I feel called to do. So here’s to the things I wish to begin, as I go.

Humble Beginnings.

Humble, because I don’t just choose my items at random. 
Humble, because I’m not posting to boast about accomplishments, abilities, or opportunities.
Humble because of encouragement,  because if I can do these things, you most certainly can too.
Humble, because I hope for you to start a list too.
Humble, because I want to help. :)

Beginnings, because each item on my life list is just what it is, a beginning.
Beginnings, because I hope to not only cross items off my list, but keep them going.
Beginnings, because once I complete an item, it is a beginning of a life that has one more beginning.

All of this being said, my first beginning to be recorded is this, “Begin Blogging”. So a huge THANK YOU goes out to my once upon a time neighbour, and my forever wonderful friend, Amanda. Copper-Boom!

Here's to humble beginnings.


  1. Very cool Annie but of course, what else could it be, coming from you and all :)

  2. To humble beginning! Annie, I had no idea that you were such a wonderful writer! I will look forward to reading each and every one of your posts.

    P.S. I love that you wrote, "Copper-Boom!"
